As the fighting increased in severity at the battle of Uhud, the disbelievers began to shower the Prophet's Companions (ra) with arrows and stones. They would use these missiles from a distance and then charge with swords, either mounted on horses or on foot. To shield the Prophet (saw) from the arrows, Abu Dujanah stood in front of him, with his back to the Quraish infantry, from which came most of the arrows. After some time the back of Abu Dujanah was so studded with arrows that he looked like a porcupine, but he continued passing his own arrows to Sa'd. Talha also stood beside the Prophet. On one occasion, when an arrow seemed about to hit the Prophet (saw) in the face, Talha put his hand in the arrow's line of flight and stopped it with his his hand. Talha lost a finger as a result, but saved the Prophet (saw).